24 November 2006
This is Fucking Ridiculous

Shown above is path of Flight 93 at the moment of impact as officially determined by the National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) from the plane's flight data recorder.
You are asked to believe that a plane striking the ground at 40 degrees to the horizontal can entirely disappear underground and leave an impact zone like the one in the video image shown below. (link)

This is where Flight 93 went in.
All of it, except for one engine which landed over 600 metres away.
The rest of the plane disappeared into the hole.
Officially, all the fuel, luggage, over 100 seats and 44 people were all burned upon impact.
Without oxygen - Underground.
The wings, huge tail and plane body were shredded into tiny pieces. Underground.
None of those on the scene smelled the thousands of gallons of jet fuel or the sickly smell of burning bodies. Because all that happened after the plane went underground!
All of it, except for one engine which landed over 600 metres away.
The rest of the plane disappeared into the hole.
Officially, all the fuel, luggage, over 100 seats and 44 people were all burned upon impact.
Without oxygen - Underground.
The wings, huge tail and plane body were shredded into tiny pieces. Underground.
None of those on the scene smelled the thousands of gallons of jet fuel or the sickly smell of burning bodies. Because all that happened after the plane went underground!

If you accept that the plane hit vertically then
this is what it looked like when the plane went underground.
Where all that burning and shredding took place.
this is what it looked like when the plane went underground.
Where all that burning and shredding took place.

Here is the engine that went underground. But not much, mind you. About one metre by the looks of things. That's because the plane was travelling very slowly...when all of the plane went...underground.
So all that fuselage and wings and huge tail must have slowly slipped past that engine in the ground and then gone on to get shredded into tiny pieces .... amidst all the bodies and fuel and luggage that burned without oxygen. Underground. (link)
....oh, and there was some unexplained aircraft debris spread out over six miles, that fell from the sky.....but that's for another time....for now, we'll stick with official nonsense given above.